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Monday, September 12, 2011

Intel Pentium B950 mengalahkan core i3 ? (sekaligus belajar bahasa inggris)

Intel Pentium B950 adalah mikroprosesor dual-core, ditujukan untuk pasar ponsel nilai. The processor is one of the first three mobile Pentium models, built on the latest Intel Sandy Bridge micro-architecture. Prosesor adalah salah satu dari tiga model ponsel pertama Pentium, dibangun pada Sandy Bridge Intel terbaru mikro-arsitektur. Before launch, in April 2011, the B950 along with slower B940 CPU were spotted in specifications of Hewlett Packard 431 and 630 notebooks. Sebelum peluncuran, pada bulan April 2011, B950 B940 bersama dengan CPU yang lambat terlihat dalam spesifikasi dari Hewlett Packard 431 dan 630 notebook. Both Pentiums, as well as ultra-low voltage 957 model, were released in June 2011. Kedua Pentiums, serta ultra-rendah tegangan 957 model, yang dirilis pada bulan Juni 2011.
Intel B950 integrates two CPU cores, clocked at 2.1 GHz. B950 Intel mengintegrasikan dua core CPU, clock di 2,1 GHz. Each core has its own 64 KB level 1 and 256 KB level 2 caches, and both cores share 2 MB level 3 cache. Masing-masing inti memiliki 64 sendiri tingkat KB 1 dan 256 KB 2 tingkat cache, dan keduanya berbagi core 2 MB cache level 3. As expected for budget-class processor, the B950 incorporates only basic technologies such as Intel 64 and VT-x virtualization. Seperti yang diharapkan untuk anggaran-prosesor kelas, B950 hanya menggabungkan teknologi dasar seperti Intel 64 dan VT-x virtualisasi. In addition to the cores and the L3 cache, Pentium B950 integrates memory controller, Direct Media Interface (DMI), and graphics controller. Selain core dan L3 cache, Pentium B950 mengintegrasikan memory controller, Direct Media Interface (DMI), dan controller grafis. Memory controller on the B950 has two channels, and supports DDR3 memory. Memori controller di B950 memiliki dua saluran, dan mendukung memori DDR3. The DMI is used to communicate with peripheral devices via South Bridge chip. Para DMI digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan perangkat periferal melalui South Bridge chip yang. Integrated graphics controller is powerful enough to display HD content, but doesn't include 3D acceleration and advanced video features, reserved for more expensive Core microprocessors. Kontroler grafis terintegrasi cukup kuat untuk menampilkan konten HD, tetapi tidak termasuk akselerasi 3D dan fitur video canggih, disediakan untuk mikroprosesor core lebih mahal.
Pentium B950 has 35 Watt Thermal Design Power, and it employs a number of techniques to reduce power consumption. Pentium B950 memiliki 35 Daya Watt Thermal Design, dan mempekerjakan sejumlah teknik untuk mengurangi konsumsi daya. The processor supports all Sandy Bridge's low-power states, which help to conserve the battery power when the CPU is idle. Prosesor ini mendukung daya rendah semua Sandy Bridge negara bagian, yang membantu untuk menghemat daya baterai saat CPU idle. The B950 also incorporates Enhanced SpeedStep technology, that lowers CPU frequency and core voltage, thus lowering power consumption in operational mode. B950 ini juga menggabungkan teknologi SpeedStep Enhanced, yang menurunkan frekuensi CPU dan tegangan inti, sehingga menurunkan konsumsi daya dalam modus operasional.
The processor is produced in micro-PGA package, compatible with socket G2. Prosesor ini diproduksi dalam mikro-PGA paket, kompatibel dengan soket G2.

Informasi Umum
Type Jenis CPU / Microprocessor CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Segmen pasar Mobile Handphone
Family Keluarga Intel Pentium Dual-Core Mobile Intel Pentium Dual-Core Mobile
Model number ? Nomor model? B950 B950
CPU part number CPU bagian nomor FF8062700847901 is an OEM/tray microprocessor FF8062700847901 adalah mikroprosesor OEM / tray
Frequency (MHz) ? Frekuensi (MHz)? 2100 2100
Bus speed (MHz) ? Kecepatan bus (MHz)? 5 GT/s DMI 5 GT / s DMI
Clock multiplier ? Clock multiplier? 21 21
Package Paket 988-pin micro-FCPGA10 (rPGA988B) 988-pin mikro-FCPGA10 (rPGA988B)
Socket Stopkontak Socket G2 (rPGA988B) Socket G2 (rPGA988B)
Size Ukuran 1.48" x 1.48" / 3.75cm x 3.75cm 1,48 "x 1,48" / 3.75cm x 3.75cm
Introduction date Pendahuluan tanggal June 19, 2011 19 Juni 2011

S-spec numbers S-spec nomor

Production processors Produksi prosesor
Part number Bagian nomor SR07T SR07T
FF8062700847901 FF8062700847901 + +

Architecture / Microarchitecture Arsitektur / mikroarsitektur
Microarchitecture Mikroarsitektur Sandy Bridge Sandy Bridge
Processor core ? Prosesor inti? Sandy Bridge Sandy Bridge
Manufacturing process Proses manufaktur 0.032 micron High-K metal gate process 0,032 mikron tinggi-K metal gate proses
Data width Lebar data 64 bit 64 bit
Number of cores Jumlah core 2 2
Floating Point Unit Floating Point Satuan Integrated Terpadu
Level 1 cache size ? Tingkat 1 ukuran cache? 2 x 32 KB instruction caches 2 x 32 KB cache instruksi
2 x 32 KB data caches 2 x 32 KB data cache
Level 2 cache size ? Tingkat 2 ukuran cache? 2 x 256 KB 2 x 256 KB
Level 3 cache size Tingkat 3 ukuran cache 2 MB shared cache 2 MB shared cache yang
Physical memory (GB) Fisik memori (GB) 8 8
Multiprocessing Multiprocessing Not supported Tidak didukung
Features Fitur
  • MMX instruction set Set instruksi MMX
  • SSE2 SSE2
  • SSE3 SSE3
  • Supplemental SSE3 Tambahan SSE3
  • SSE4.1 ? SSE4.1?
  • SSE4.2 ? SSE4.2?
  • Extended Memory 64 technology (EM64T) ? Extended Memory 64 teknologi (EM64T)?
  • Execute disable bit ? Execute Disable Bit?
  • Virtualization technology (VT-x) ? Teknologi virtualisasi (VT-x)?
Low power features Daya rendah fitur Enhanced SpeedStep technology ? Teknologi SpeedStep ditingkatkan?
On-chip peripherals On-chip peripheral
  • Dual-channel DDR3 memory controller Dual-channel DDR3 memory controller
  • PCI Express 2.0 interface Antarmuka PCI Express 2.0
  • Direct Media Interface Direct Media Interface
  • HD graphics controller HD kontroler grafis

Electrical/Thermal parameters Listrik / Termal parameter
Maximum operating temperature (°C) ? Operasi suhu maksimum (° C)? 85 85
Thermal Design Power (W) ? Thermal Design Power (W)? 35 35

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